The marvellous history and intensely mobile in the way in which two modern Afghan women overcome the great challenges which arose for women in Afghanistan and rise above their victimisation. Khaled Hosseini succeeded in capturing much historical and contemporary topics important in a way in which will make your heart hurt on several occasions. Why your reaction be will so strong? It is because you will identify narrowly with the pain of almost all characters, a reaction which is very rare with a modern novel.
In the part one, you meet Miriam at the age five while it learns that it is a harami (an illegitimate child). The rich father of Miriam, Jalil, had allured a housekeeper, the mother of Miriam, Nana, six years earlier and provides now for both in a remote hut where it can keep a low profile. In spite of its concern concerning its reputation, Jalil adores the attention that Miriam devotes to him. All proceeds in an artificial and hard way until one Miriam day decides to require the attention of his/her father. The consequences form its world for the remainder of its life.
In the part two, the history moves with the hearth on Laila, which was constant with knowledge Fariba de Miriam after the part one. The breeding of Laila is almost completely the opposite of Miriam' S. Laila is liked by all the two his/her parents with whom it lives and has many chances to develop its knowledge and qualifications. Laila lives in Kabul while Miriam grew in the countryside apart from Herat. Laila is beautiful while Miriam is flatter. They also grow during various time: Miriam is enough old to be the mother of Laila. Miriam forever have a male friend while growing, whereas Laila is fascinated by Tariq unijambist. All goes well for Laila until the war is essential to send its life to far in an unexpected direction.
In the part three, the two women start to share a destiny and to develop a report/ratio. Their lives more basically are changed by this report/ratio than by anything else which arrived at them. The magic of the history is most obvious in the part three.
In the part four, we inherit the present, when Afghanistan opens again with the possibilities.
The period of the book takes place of 1964 to the present. In the content, you are maintained up to date on the political events which shake the whole country. In certain cases, these political events are transformed into revolutions and wars. In much of case, violence is essential in the lives of the characters of the book. It like the war and the peace of reading like is adapted in modern Afghanistan.
The book also treats questions of class, religion, sexual roles, of rising child, work, education, and community. These questions are accentuated in terms of various modes and attitudes of the male characters of control. For Afghanistan was a world where the men called the projectiles, unless they chose not to make thus. Although the questions which are increased and the way in which they are raised are rather foreseeable, it is a homage to Mr. Hosseini who you will not see them coming. He moves his characters and action around such manner that you do not see much advertisement of what is to come. Started from this competence comes while making each page thus interesting and to engage this you are drawn far from the thoughts as “me you ask where it will go after par with this piece of ground. ” I deeply found inside the history everywhere. It is rare for me, particularly in a history this concentrates on the characters females.
It takes place at the beginning of the year, but I would not be astonished if the THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS proves to have been one of the same higher novels of 2007.